Saturday, May 21, 2011

us middle east policy

US Mideast Policy
The current uproar over US policy towards Israel is insane. We all know that nothing will change. Hamas is not going to suddenly decide that they want to get along and Israel is not going back to borders that they have fought several wars to progress (from their point of view) to the current geographical locations. Obama can sit in his safe White House and make decrees, but the Israelis live in real peril every day.

But this hits on the tip of the iceberg of US policy in the region. It is a waste of money and resources, especially human resources of the military personnel that are dying in three wars (Iraq, Afghanistan and now Libya). We throw resources at the problem thinking that there is an endless supply. We are so confident in our greatness that we see no end in site. We just need to read about the fall of Rome, which lasted allot longer than the US. We have to change the way we think of security interests and world influence. For example, why are we afraid that the Chinese may step in and payoff the Pakistanis more than we will. I say let them. We need to fix our domestic economy and protect our military lead in technology. Our soldiers will not line up indefinitely to fight wars of attrition across the globe while our politicians sit in Washington and debate. We seems proud that our founding fathers built an inefficient government that gets nothing done, well that is why monarchs have dominated periods of history. Because people get sick of the bullshit of senates that spend money to only support their own selfish interests and not that of the people. Does the American Congress believe that what is going on in the Spring Revolution can’t happen at home.

We need to embrace a new Isolationism at home. We need to fix our own house such as budget defecits, the debt, infrastructure and education system that is failing. Without these fixes our country will lose its ability to project power anyway and force us to confront isolationism not on our terms.

This new isolationism is not your grandfather’s version. We stay engaged, but not by paying off countries that really don’t have the same interests as we do. If a country infringes upon our rights or a terrorist training camp rises up in Afghanistan after we pull out, why we just launch a rocket or special forces to take them out. But we cannot be held back the liberals who want to merandize rights to terrorists or worry about water boarding. We put our military members thru more punishment on a daily basis than what we have done to any terrorist. We can’t fight terrorists while trying to be civil and fair. They are living in the middle ages just as Europe was after the fall of Rome. So if we think we are so different than these middle eastern fundamentalists than we are wrong. During the European middle ages we were just as extreme and radical in the name of religion. While I am on the subject it is my opinion that religion has set us back 2000 years of progress.

When rome made Christianity the state religion and wiped out the pagans to such a point that the word pagan today is still a put down. Well the pagans represented all the knowledge of the past and what we ended up with was the dark age of Europe where the church used its power to hide the truths discovered by the pagans and persecute any who differed. People weren’t even allowed to read the bible for themselves in England during the middle ages to decide for themselves.
Some day we need to get beyond national borders, tribes and races to one human race, but that day is not here and we cannot reason with people who are stuck on beliefs that they will get virgins if they maytr themselves. I don’t believe in hunting animals for sport, but I do believes (and belief is a dangerous word) that we have to deal with some middle eastern radicals at the point of a gun. We went into Iraq when what we should have done is gone into the center of terrorist activity in Iran. Ever since 1979 we have not dealt with the source. The source is Iran. They have grown emboldened since 1979 and we have not challenged them. They support Hamas and Hezbollah. They send missiles into Iraq today trying to kill our troops. They are the source of the Israeli and Palestinian problems. Now they want nukes and we have not yet dealt with them. But if you heard Obama yesterday and what he said. He said he has disagreements with Ben but they will not let Iran have a nuke. This whole disagreement is a ruse to set up a butt whipping coming for Iran. Obama is a newby to the world, but he is not dumb and he and Ben are setting up a butt whipping for Iran. That is my prediction.

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